Accidents happen! No, I ‘m not trying to justify myself BUT I should have listened to the wise one when he said “I didn’t watch it but I went”! After further enquiry I found out that he, I quote, “put himself into a coma so his mind was somewhere else”... Wise I say! Actually I didn’t want to see “27 dresses”, I wanted to see “4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days” but it is not playing yet and something tells me that I will have to catch it fast when and if it starts showing in my neighborhood. So I picked the wrong number. It happens to everyone and besides, my friends Anne and Sibylle begged me to go !!! There are some good things about this stinker of a movie though: number one, it’s so dumb that it makes you feel like you are a genius. Number two, the dialogues are so lame, you feel you can become a speechwriter for the UN tomorrow if you want to. And it’s so boring that you feel like you’re the most interesting person in the world. Isn’t it great? You want more? I have no more to say I am afraid... only that I wonder what kind of public is supposed to be attracted to a movie that feels like a Hollywood pitch turned bad. Something along the lines of “how a professionnal bridesmaid with a heart of gold believes she is in love with a guy who has the voice of Mickey Mouse on helium and ends up with a geek who sounds like a Hallmark card everytime he opens his mouth (and he opens it a lot). OK, Katherine Heigl is no Hegel but she is adorable. I’ll say no more. I’ve seen worst: “The bathroom was closed from inside” anyone? What about “Rise crabs, the tide is coming” (these are french classics and I am not kidding!)
On a sadder note, the little prince of the movies, Heath Ledger, is gone back to the stars where he did not belong yet... Leaves a black hole in the sky and some movies that won't be forgotten any time soon. It is still very sad.
J’ai peur de ne rien avoir à dire de plus... seulement que je me demande à quel public inepte ce film s’adresse : “comment une demoiselle d’honneur semi-pro et au coeur d’or croit qu’elle est amoureuse d’un grand niais à la voix de Mickey Mouse shooté à l’helium et se retrouve finalement avec un petit niais à la bouche perpétuellement ouverte pour montrer ses dents blanches et mal plantées. Je n’ai plus rien à dire et de toutes façons,j’ai vu pire: Les vécés étaient fermés de l’intérieur et Debout les crabes, la mer monte par exemple... Des classiques français inoubliables!
Sur une note plus sérieuse, le Petit Prince Heath Ledger est reparti vers les étoiles avant l’heure. C’est triste, il y a comme un trou noir dans le ciel. Restent quelques films qui dureront longtemps. Triste quand même.