Sunday, January 31, 2010
With Volver, Almodovar reached the highest peak : the movie was close to perfection in terms of story telling, photography, acting... there was even an element of magic. In my mind, Volver was one of the rare films where not a moment was lost and not an image wasted. So and when came "Broken embraces" I was curious to find out if Almodovar had pushed the limit and unfortunately I don't think he did. Broken embraces is certainly a good film but compared to Volver, it's a mess. The fact that Almodovar is recycling old material (the film in the film is Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown) made me look for other clues from past films and there are many. It is distracting, odd and even if it is an interesting exercice de style, it is gimmicky and easy for a director who usually doesn't go for the easy ride. Almodovar remains a true author and even in the United States where going to the movies most of the time implies seeing the last Mel Gibson, Leo de Caprio or Brad Pitt movie, people go see the latest "Almodovar"... he is in the same league as Woody Allen and Martin Scorcese, an author.
Avec Volver, Almodovar a atteint les sommets de son art : le film était un petit joyau, parfait au niveau de la narration, de l'interprétation, du rythme, de la photographie. Il y avait même, à mon sens, quelques séquences relevant du génie cinématographique pur. Volver fait partie de ces rares films où, du début à la fin, chaque image, chaque séquence est unique et s'impose avec force. Avec "Broken embraces", qui est un bon film, Almodovar n'arrive pas à surpasser Volver et même si cela parait injuste de comparer un film avec celui qui le précède, c'est un privilège qui ne revient qu'aux seuls vrais auteurs au cinéma. Broken Embraces reprend des thèmes voire des séquences entières de "Femmes au bord de la crise de nerfs" et ce n'est pas le seul recyclage dans ce film qui déborde de références aux films passés. Ca fait désordre. Même si l'on peut parler d'univers" Almodovar, on aimerait voir l'univers s'élargir encore plus. Cela dit et pour ceux dont la culture Almodovarienne se limite à la période Pénélope, Broken embraces est chaudement recommandé. Pour ceux qui connaissent bien l'oeuvre, c'est une petite déception. Aux Etats-Unis où les noms des réalisateurs de films sont moins connus que ceux des acteurs, on va voir le dernier Almodovar, pas le dernier Penelope! Almodovar est un des rares réalisateurs européens à être connu, reconnu aux Etats-Unis par son nom. Cest déjà un exploit !
Friday, January 29, 2010
Hey Ho ....
In English they dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig..... and their names are Sneezy, Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful and Dopey. In French ils tic tac tic tac tic tac and ils s'appellent Prof, Grincheux, Joyeux, Dormeur, Timide et Simplet. And that's all folks !
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Paoula Abou-Jaoude Brazil
Mario Amaya Colombia
Vera Anderson Mexico
Ray Arco Canada, Denmark
Rocio Ayuso Spain
Philip Berk Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong
Elmar Biebl Germany
Silvia Bizio Italy
Jorge Camara Dominican Republic
Luca Celada Italy
Jean-Paul Chaillet France
Rui Henriques Coimbra Portugal
Jenny Cooney Carrillo Australia, New Zealand
Jean E. Cummings Japan
Yola Czaderska-Hayek Poland
Patricia Danaher Ireland
Ersi Danou Greece
Noel de Souza India
Gabrielle Donnelly United Kingdom
George Doss Egypt
Mahfouz Doss Egypt
Maureen Dragone Argentina
Dagmar Dunlevy Canada
Armando Gallo Italy
Margaret Gardiner South Africa
Avik Gilboa Australia
Mike Goodridge United Kingdom
John Hiscock United Kingdom
Helen Hoehne Germany
Anke Hofmann Germany, The Netherlands
Nellee A. Holmes Russia
Munawar Hosain Germany, Bangladesh
Yoram Kahana Austria
Erkki "Erik" Kanto Finland
Theo Kingma Australia, The Netherlands
Ahmed Lateef Hong Kong
Elisa Leonelli Italy
Gabriel Lerman Costa Rica
Emanuel Levy United Kingdom
Lisa Lu China
Howard Lucraft United Kingdom
Lilly Lui Hong Kong
Ramzi Malouki Tunisia
Karen Martin Japan
Lawrie Masterson Australia, New Zealand
Paz Mata Spain
Juliette Michaud France
Max B. Miller United Kingdom
Aud Berggren Morisse Norway
Yukiko Nakajima Japan
Yoko Narita Japan
Aniko Navai Hungary, Singapore
Janet R. Nepales Philippines
Ruben V. Nepales Dubai, Philippines
Alexander Nevsky Russia
Yenny Nun-Katz Chile, Peru
Scott Orlin Germany
Mira Panajotovic Serbia
H.J. Park South Korea
Alena Prime Tahiti
Serge Rakhlin Latvia, Russia
Patrick Roth Germany
Mohammed Rouda United Arab Emirates
Frank Rousseau France
Ali Sar Russia
Frances Schoenberger Germany
Elisabeth Sereda Austria
Judy Solomon Israel
Lorenzo Soria Italy
Hans J. Spurkel Austria, Switzerland
Magnus Sundholm Sweden
Aida Takla-O'Reilly Dubai, Egypt
Meher Tatna Malaysia, Singapore
Jack Tewksbury Argentina, Russia
Herve Tropea France
Lynn M. Tso Taiwan
Alessandra Venezia Italy
Marlene von Arx Switzerland
Jerry Watson United Kingdom
Anita Weber Japan,
South Africa, United Kingdom
Noemia Young Canada
Paoula Abou-Jaoude Brazil
Mario Amaya Colombia
Vera Anderson Mexico
Ray Arco Canada, Denmark
Rocio Ayuso Spain
Philip Berk Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong
Elmar Biebl Germany
Silvia Bizio Italy
Jorge Camara Dominican Republic
Luca Celada Italy
Jean-Paul Chaillet France
Rui Henriques Coimbra Portugal
Jenny Cooney Carrillo Australia, New Zealand
Jean E. Cummings Japan
Yola Czaderska-Hayek Poland
Patricia Danaher Ireland
Ersi Danou Greece
Noel de Souza India
Gabrielle Donnelly United Kingdom
George Doss Egypt
Mahfouz Doss Egypt
Maureen Dragone Argentina
Dagmar Dunlevy Canada
Armando Gallo Italy
Margaret Gardiner South Africa
Avik Gilboa Australia
Mike Goodridge United Kingdom
John Hiscock United Kingdom
Helen Hoehne Germany
Anke Hofmann Germany, The Netherlands
Nellee A. Holmes Russia
Munawar Hosain Germany, Bangladesh
Yoram Kahana Austria
Erkki "Erik" Kanto Finland
Theo Kingma Australia, The Netherlands
Ahmed Lateef Hong Kong
Elisa Leonelli Italy
Gabriel Lerman Costa Rica
Emanuel Levy United Kingdom
Lisa Lu China
Howard Lucraft United Kingdom
Lilly Lui Hong Kong
Ramzi Malouki Tunisia
Karen Martin Japan
Lawrie Masterson Australia, New Zealand
Paz Mata Spain
Juliette Michaud France
Max B. Miller United Kingdom
Aud Berggren Morisse Norway
Yukiko Nakajima Japan
Yoko Narita Japan
Aniko Navai Hungary, Singapore
Janet R. Nepales Philippines
Ruben V. Nepales Dubai, Philippines
Alexander Nevsky Russia
Yenny Nun-Katz Chile, Peru
Scott Orlin Germany
Mira Panajotovic Serbia
H.J. Park South Korea
Alena Prime Tahiti
Serge Rakhlin Latvia, Russia
Patrick Roth Germany
Mohammed Rouda United Arab Emirates
Frank Rousseau France
Ali Sar Russia
Frances Schoenberger Germany
Elisabeth Sereda Austria
Judy Solomon Israel
Lorenzo Soria Italy
Hans J. Spurkel Austria, Switzerland
Magnus Sundholm Sweden
Aida Takla-O'Reilly Dubai, Egypt
Meher Tatna Malaysia, Singapore
Jack Tewksbury Argentina, Russia
Herve Tropea France
Lynn M. Tso Taiwan
Alessandra Venezia Italy
Marlene von Arx Switzerland
Jerry Watson United Kingdom
Anita Weber Japan,
South Africa, United Kingdom
Noemia Young Canada
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Number of times Haïti was mentioned: 4
Number of times mums/dads were thanked : 4
Number of times husbands/wives were thanked: 10
Number of times agents were thanked: 3
Number of times Barbra Streisand was thanked : 1
Number of "oh my god, I can't believe it" (or variation) : 3
Number of times war was mentioned: 1
Best moments:
"Animation is not only for children, it's also for adults who take drugs" (Paul Mc Cartney)
"One thing that cannot be bought is a Golden Globe... officially" (Ricky Gervais)
"The next category is a bit of a downer... i'ts for writing." (Ricky Gervais)
"I like a drink as much as the next man, and the next man is... Mel Gibson!"
Worst moments :
William Hurt's old Amish look
Cher walking like an Egyptian
Meryl Streep talking about god knows what !
Schwarzenegger's face during Michael Haneke's speech...
James Cameron speaking Navi
Why the hell is Shwarzenegger on the show?... to say "AvaDar" it seems
Sandra B's wrapping paper dress and Chloe Sevigny's dead flower dress
When the announcer says Jeff Bridges and the camera zooms on Leo de Caprio
Number of times mums/dads were thanked : 4
Number of times husbands/wives were thanked: 10
Number of times agents were thanked: 3
Number of times Barbra Streisand was thanked : 1
Number of "oh my god, I can't believe it" (or variation) : 3
Number of times war was mentioned: 1
Best moments:
"Animation is not only for children, it's also for adults who take drugs" (Paul Mc Cartney)
"One thing that cannot be bought is a Golden Globe... officially" (Ricky Gervais)
"The next category is a bit of a downer... i'ts for writing." (Ricky Gervais)
"I like a drink as much as the next man, and the next man is... Mel Gibson!"
Worst moments :
William Hurt's old Amish look
Cher walking like an Egyptian
Meryl Streep talking about god knows what !
Schwarzenegger's face during Michael Haneke's speech...
James Cameron speaking Navi
Why the hell is Shwarzenegger on the show?... to say "AvaDar" it seems
Sandra B's wrapping paper dress and Chloe Sevigny's dead flower dress
When the announcer says Jeff Bridges and the camera zooms on Leo de Caprio
Thursday, January 14, 2010
SMOKE SIGNALS (1998) ***
Here is the song NDN CAR performed by Keith Secola :
My car is dented,
The radiator steams,
One headlight doesn't work,
But the radio can scream,
I got a sticker,
It say's "Indian Power",
I stuck it on my bumper,
That's what holds my car together...
Ma voiture est cabossée
Le radiateur fuit
Un phare est cassé
Mais la radio fonctionne
J'ai un auto-collant
Qui dit "Indian Power"
Je l'ai collé sur le pare-chocs
Grace a lui ma voiture ne tombe pas en morceaux!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Eric Rohmer, (Maurice Henri Joseph Schérer) one of the founding directors of the French New Wave died today. He was 89 years old.
He directed Claire Knee's, My Night at Maud's, The Marquise of O and more than 50 films that compose a body of work so personal, intimist, delicate and rich that his work will live on for an eternity.
Eric Rohmer (Maurice Henri Joseph Schérer), un des fondateurs de la Nouvelle Vague au cinéma est mort aujourd'hui. Il avait 89 ans.
Son oeuvre comprend Le genou de Claire, Ma nuit chez Maud, La Marquise d'O et plus de 50 films, la plupart des chefs d'oeuvre d'intimisme. Une oeuvre personnelle, délicate et riche qui n'est pas prêt ni de disparaitre ni d'inspirer des générations de nouveaux cinéastes.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
If you think Hollywood is in denial, here are a few films you might have missed:
The Hurt Locker
In the valley of Elah
Grace is gone
Stop Loss
Body of lies
and countless documentaries.
Probably in order to counterbalance all this, most of the major movie theatres play very loud ads for what I thought were videogames until I realized they were ads for the National Guard, the Marines and the Navy.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Confutatis maledictis, Flammis acribus addictis: Voca me cum benedictis. Oro supplex et acclinis, Cor contritum quasi cinis: Gere curam mei finis.
When the accused are confounded,and doomed to flames of woe,call me among the blessed. I kneel with submissive heart,
my contrition is like ashes,help me in my final condition.
Et après avoir réprouvé les maudits et leur avoir assigné le feu cruel. Appelez-moi parmi les élus. Suppliant et prosterné, je vous prie, le cœur brisé et comme réduit en cendres prenez soin de mon heure dernière.
Posted by Jason Reitman on his Twitter twig ( this is a pie chart update compiling the top ten questions re. the movie Up in the air before JR was getting ready for a LA press junket : a junket is an interview session which consists of asking questions in a record time to a director, an actor or a producer (in the case of a movie) and their talent is to pretend that they've never heard the question before and that they find it fascinating and interesting.
Jason Reitman présente ce fascinant graphique sur son site Twitter ( ). Le graphique présente les dix questions principales qui ont interessé les journalistes au sujet du film Up in the air juste avant que Reitman ne s'embarque pour un press-junket de deux jours à Los Angeles. Le press-junket est une drôle de danse organisée par les studios qui consiste à asseoir un acteur/réalisateur/producteur sur un fauteuil et de faire défiler des journalistes (selon une hiérarchie secrète et orchestrée par les attachés de presse) tandis que le rôle des interviewés est de feindre la surprise et la fascination pour des séries de questions qu'ils entendent en boucle.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Amazing performances for a raw, very raw, coming of age story that makes Juno look like the Hallmark Sunday Pix.
See for more information about the movie.
The line you hear on the trailer "YOU'RE WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME" sounds so familiar... I cannot tell whether I have said it so often in different languages or if I have already heard it in films and I cannot think of which movies right now... Anyhow it sounds better in English than in French !
I very often watch kid actors with a mixture of pain and horror (except in movies by Truffaud) but Rebecca Griffiths, the little girl who plays the main character's little sister, is extraordinary...
Des interprétations renversantes pour ce film écorché vif à côté duquel Juno ressemble à un film du dimanche. Reportez vous sur pour plus d'informations sur le film.
La réplique que vous entendez sur la bande annonce "MON PROBLEME, C'EST TOI" sonne étrangement familière... je ne peux pas dire si c'est parce que j'ai souvent dit ça et dans des langues variées ou si je l'ai entendu dans beaucoup de films. Je suis presque certaine d'avoir déjà entendu cette réplique dans d'autres films, mais lesquels, je ne sais pas. De toutes façons, ça sonne beaucoup mieux en Anglais qu'en Français !
J'ai beaucoup de mal à voir jouer les enfants acteurs en général (sauf dans les films de Truffaud) mais Rebecca Griffiths qui joue Tyler, la petite soeur de Mia (Katie Jarvis) dans le film est absolument extraordinaire.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Telegraph publishes today excerpts from the diary of John Hillcoat, the director of The Road :
"My own new project - with a much-loved script by Nick Cave and a dream all-star cast - has fallen apart. The finance company that we began The Road with has also fallen apart, having to radically downsize to one remaining staff member. The great divide has begun, with only very low-budget films being made or huge 3D franchise films - the birth of brand films such as Barbie, Monopoly: The Movie - who knows what’s next, Coca-Cola: The Movie?
I end the year appropriately - gazing into the apocalypse of my own industry.”
The Telegraph publie aujourd'hui des extraits du journal de John Hillcoat, le réalisateur de The Road :
"Mon nouveau projet - basé sur un script magnifique signé Nick Cave avec un casting de rêve, vient d'être annulé. La compagnie qui devait financer le film (et qui aussi financé une partie de The Road) s'est réduite au point de n'avoir plus qu'un employé. La grande fracture s'annonce... avec d'un côté des films à petit budget ou des monstres du genre franchise en 3D - à quand les films de type Barbie, Monopoly: Le film - et qui sait quoi d'autre encore: Coca-Cola: Le film?
Je finis l'année en observant la vertigineuse descente aux enfers de ma propre industrie.”
John Hillcoat's wonderful film "The Proposition" is available in DVD
"The Road" is still playing at the movies.
"Ghosts of the civil dead" should be released this year in the USA. It has been released in Europe.
"My own new project - with a much-loved script by Nick Cave and a dream all-star cast - has fallen apart. The finance company that we began The Road with has also fallen apart, having to radically downsize to one remaining staff member. The great divide has begun, with only very low-budget films being made or huge 3D franchise films - the birth of brand films such as Barbie, Monopoly: The Movie - who knows what’s next, Coca-Cola: The Movie?
I end the year appropriately - gazing into the apocalypse of my own industry.”
The Telegraph publie aujourd'hui des extraits du journal de John Hillcoat, le réalisateur de The Road :
"Mon nouveau projet - basé sur un script magnifique signé Nick Cave avec un casting de rêve, vient d'être annulé. La compagnie qui devait financer le film (et qui aussi financé une partie de The Road) s'est réduite au point de n'avoir plus qu'un employé. La grande fracture s'annonce... avec d'un côté des films à petit budget ou des monstres du genre franchise en 3D - à quand les films de type Barbie, Monopoly: Le film - et qui sait quoi d'autre encore: Coca-Cola: Le film?
Je finis l'année en observant la vertigineuse descente aux enfers de ma propre industrie.”
John Hillcoat's wonderful film "The Proposition" is available in DVD
"The Road" is still playing at the movies.
"Ghosts of the civil dead" should be released this year in the USA. It has been released in Europe.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The 2010 edition of the Golden Globes will take place on January 17th and will air on NBC. Since I'm not sure I can attend (my dog ate the invitation while I was trying to repair my helicopter!!!), here are my predictions which are based on nothing at all :
Best Motion Picture -- Drama
Inglorious Basterds
Up in the Air
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture -- Drama
Emily Blunt, The Young Victoria
Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side (WINNER)
Helen Mirren, The Last Station
Carey Mulligan, An Education
Gabourey Sadibe, Precious
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -- Drama
Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart (WINNER)
George Clooney, Up in the Air
Colin Firth, A Single Man
Morgan Freeman, Invictus
Tobey Maguire, Brothers
Best Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy
(500) Days of Summer
The Hangover
It's Complicated
Julie & Julia (WINNER)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy
Sandra Bullock, The Proposal
Marion Cotillard, Nine
Meryl Streep, It's Complicated
Meryl Streep, Julie and Julia (WINNER)
Julia Roberts, Duplicity
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy
Matt Damon, The Informant
Daniel Day Lewis, Nine
Robert Downey Jr., Sherlock Holmes J
oseph Gordon Levitt, (500) Days of Summer
Michael Stuhlbarg, A Serious Man (WINNER)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Mo-Nique, Precious
Julianne Moore, A Single Man
Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air
Vera Farmiga, Up in the Air (WINNER)
Penelope Cruz, Nine
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Matt Damon, Invictus (WINNER)
Stanley Tucci, The Lovely Bones
Christopher Plummer, The Last Station
Christopher Waltz, Inglorious Basterds
Woody Harrelson, The Messenger
Best Animated Feature Film
The Fantastic Mr. Fox (WINNER)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
The Princess and the Frog
Best Foreign Language Film
Broken Embraces
A Prophet
The White Ribbon (WINNER)
The Maid
Best Director -- Motion Picture
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
James Cameron, Avatar
Clint Eastwood, Invictus
Jason Reitman, Up in the Air (WINNER)
Quentin Tarantino, Inglorious Basterds
Best Screenplay -- Motion Picture
Up in the Air (WINNER)
It's Complicated
District 9
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds
Best Original Score -- Motion Picture
Michael Giacchino, Up
Marvin Hamlisch, The Informant
James Horner, Avatar (WINNER)
Abel Krozeniowski, A Single Man
Karen O. and Carter Burwell, Where the Wild Things Are
Best Original Song -- Motion Picture
"I Will See You," Avatar
"The Weary Kind," The Crazy Heart (WINNER)
"Winter," Brothers
"Cinema Italiano," Nine
"I Want to Come Home," Everybody's Fine
Best Motion Picture -- Drama
Inglorious Basterds
Up in the Air
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture -- Drama
Emily Blunt, The Young Victoria
Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side (WINNER)
Helen Mirren, The Last Station
Carey Mulligan, An Education
Gabourey Sadibe, Precious
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -- Drama
Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart (WINNER)
George Clooney, Up in the Air
Colin Firth, A Single Man
Morgan Freeman, Invictus
Tobey Maguire, Brothers
Best Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy
(500) Days of Summer
The Hangover
It's Complicated
Julie & Julia (WINNER)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy
Sandra Bullock, The Proposal
Marion Cotillard, Nine
Meryl Streep, It's Complicated
Meryl Streep, Julie and Julia (WINNER)
Julia Roberts, Duplicity
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy
Matt Damon, The Informant
Daniel Day Lewis, Nine
Robert Downey Jr., Sherlock Holmes J
oseph Gordon Levitt, (500) Days of Summer
Michael Stuhlbarg, A Serious Man (WINNER)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Mo-Nique, Precious
Julianne Moore, A Single Man
Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air
Vera Farmiga, Up in the Air (WINNER)
Penelope Cruz, Nine
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Matt Damon, Invictus (WINNER)
Stanley Tucci, The Lovely Bones
Christopher Plummer, The Last Station
Christopher Waltz, Inglorious Basterds
Woody Harrelson, The Messenger
Best Animated Feature Film
The Fantastic Mr. Fox (WINNER)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
The Princess and the Frog
Best Foreign Language Film
Broken Embraces
A Prophet
The White Ribbon (WINNER)
The Maid
Best Director -- Motion Picture
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
James Cameron, Avatar
Clint Eastwood, Invictus
Jason Reitman, Up in the Air (WINNER)
Quentin Tarantino, Inglorious Basterds
Best Screenplay -- Motion Picture
Up in the Air (WINNER)
It's Complicated
District 9
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds
Best Original Score -- Motion Picture
Michael Giacchino, Up
Marvin Hamlisch, The Informant
James Horner, Avatar (WINNER)
Abel Krozeniowski, A Single Man
Karen O. and Carter Burwell, Where the Wild Things Are
Best Original Song -- Motion Picture
"I Will See You," Avatar
"The Weary Kind," The Crazy Heart (WINNER)
"Winter," Brothers
"Cinema Italiano," Nine
"I Want to Come Home," Everybody's Fine
Friday, January 1, 2010
It’s complicated…
and predictable, and expected, and not very imaginative nor clever but it’s a comedy with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin signed Nancy Meyers (The Hodiday, Something’s gotta give, The parent trap). Even if I had no trouble accepting Meryl Streep as Julia Child in the recent “Julie and Julia”, it takes a huge stretch of imagination to picture Meryl in the skin of a professional baker from Santa Barbara. Don’t know why. She does offer “croque-monsieur” to her male admirers in the film which is kind of ironic: croque-monsieur literally means “crunch-man” and she is a bit of a man cruncher herself! More useful than a full review of this postcard of a film, here is the recipe (from Grand Chef Perrine) :
toast slices of white bread
butter the toasts
place a slice of ham and grated swiss cheese on one buttered toast
cover with the other slice of buttered toast
spread a good layer of sour cream (or crème fraiche) on top
cover with grated swiss cheese
put under the broiler until cheese is melted
serve with salad.
Variation: a croque-madame (crunch-lady) is the same with an egg over-easy on top… don’t ask me why!
… et prévisible et réchauffé et cliché mais c’est une comédie avec Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin et Steve Martin signéee Nancy Meyers (The Hodiday, Something’s gotta give, The parent trap). Même si je n’ai eu aucun mal à imaginer Meryl Streep en Julia Child dans le récent “Julie et Julia”, il faut un sacré effort d’imagination pour voir Meryl en boulangère professionnelle de Santa Barbara. Elle offre même des croque-monsieur à ses admirateurs, ce qui est peut-être un clin d’oeil ou pas… Plus utile qu’un commentaire complet sur ce film qui s'en passe facilement, voici la recette du croque-monsieur version Grand Chef Perrine:
deux tranches de pain de mie
toaster le pain
beurrer les toasts
placer une tranche de jambon et du fromage rapé sur un toast
couvrir avec l’autre toast
tartiner une couche de crème fraiche, sur le dessus rajouter du fromage rapé et mettre au grill jusqu’à ce que le fromage soit fondu.
Servir avec une salade.
Variation: un croque-madame est la même chose avec un oeuf au plat sur le dessus.
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