I love Cormac McCarthy, the Coen Brothers, Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, films in washed out desert colors with no music, and most of all I love when a movie has guts. “No country for old men” qualifies in a rare and cruel sort of way. This movie –like the novel- reminds you that no matter the era you live in, America is a harsh, unforgiving, dangerous country where you can meet your fate on a simple heads or tails call if you’re lucky enough to have the choice. I also have to say that my opinion wasn’t shared by my co-viewers waiting in line in the ladies room after the film! From one stall to the next, echoes of discontent were loud and ugly : “No way they can end a movie like that!” “WAY!”, I wanted to scream, but I didn’t because a : “I just saw a movie with no ending and I’m not happy about it” came from second stall to the right followed by: “I thought he was gonna kill those boys and I wouldn’t have been able to take it”! Which made me wonder: what were you going to do lady in the bathroom, kill the screen ?
What also made me wonder was the preview of “Funny games” I saw before No country… I don’t know why Haneke decided to make a Hollywood adaptation of his disgusting and sadistic film, I am afraid there is a public for it. I am very afraid.
Ce qui m’a rendue le plus mal à l’aise dans cette projection, c’est la bande annonce du film Funny Games de Haneke, remake d’un des rares films que je n’ai jamais pu voir en entier, oeuvre du sadique en chef qui trouvera surement –j’en ai peur- son public aux USA.
1 comment:
Sadly, as long as there is an audience for movies like "Saw", there will always be a loyal Haneke fanbase...
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