We have not seen such a nice specimen of a pachyderm in a long long time ! Other than that, it's rather sad that the film is so badly done and long. Between Reese Witherspoon in a constant state of freeze and Robert Pattinson, who hopefully will not look like Hal Holbrook in his old age (just because the two have as much in common as a cat and an apple pie), you'll have to kill time watching this movie -paying close attention to your fellow movie goer is an option and the way he carefully munches on his popcorn could be highly entertaining. One wonders how some bad novels not only have the nerve to become best-sellers but also become big Hollywood productions.
De mémoire (d'éléphant), on n'a pas vu un si beau pachyderme depuis très très longtemps. Dommage que le film soit mal ficelé et long comme un jour sans pain. Entre Reese Witherspoon figée et Robert Pattinson qui, on l'espère pour lui, ne vieillira pas pour devenir Hal Holbrook (au demeurant excellent acteur quand il ne fait pas du cirque), il n'y a rien à faire qu'écouter son voisin mâcher son pop-corn histoire de tuer le temps. On se demande comment certains mauvais romans non seulement ont le culot de devenir des best-sellers mais en plus ont le privilège d'être portés à l'écran.
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