I should have known better: going to see a movie called Deception is a bit like walking in a restaurant called Overcook or listening to a band called Off key... what do you expect? So Deception is right on the money as far as deception is concerned, it doesn’t give new meaning to the word but lives up to it. I am kind of sorry I went but I have been movie deprived and there isn’t much playing yet. I keep reading great reviews about great movies that are not playing where I live. But it gave me a chance to run the alphabet backwards in my head twice (good brain exercise), review my laundry list for the week end, ditto the shopping. The soundtrack of the movie kinda got in the way (any bad movie has its share of awful soundtrack to fill the blank that would otherwise fill the screen) so I ended up playing a game of six degrees while waiting for the movie to end : the players in Deception are Hugh Jackman, Ewan McGregor and Michelle Williams. I wondered if you could link them all to... not Kevin Bacon, it would be too simple and the game Six degrees of Kevin Bacon has been going on for too long. But what about... a new version of it, let’s say six degrees of... Tom Cruise. He has been in the news again lately, first because he is supposed to jump on Oprah’s couch again, second because the movie Valkyrie has been once again delayed, third because as much as I don’t like the guy, I hate (like Jacques Vergès) seeing ambulances being shot at (ouch!) and a man being humiliated endlessly and that’s unfortunately what is happening to this aging idol and it is too easy. I am sure he needs my help like the world needs the plague but never mind, I had to find a six degree victim to pass the time while being deceived so here it is:
Hugh Jackman was in The Fountain with Rachel Weisz who was with Enemy at the gates with Ed Harris who was with TC is the Firm. (3 degrees)
Ewan McGregor was in Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman who was withTC more than she should have been and in Eyes wide shut. (2 degrees)
Michelle Williams was in I’m not there with Christian Bale who was in Captain Corelli’ Mandolin with Penelope Cruz who was with TC by mistake and in Vanilla Sky. (3 degrees)
If you have better degrees please feel free to comment !

Les acteurs décevants de Déception sont:
Hugh Jackman était dans The Fountain avec Rachel Weisz qui était dans Enemy at the gates avec Ed Harris qui était avec Tom Cruise dans The Firm. (3 degrés)
Ewan McGregor était dans Moulin Rouge avec Nicole Kidman qui était avec Tom Cruise plus qu’elle n’aurait du l’être et dans Eyes wide shut (2 degrés).
Michelle Williams était dans I’m not there avec Christian Bale qui était dans Captain Corelli’ s Mandolin avec Penelope Cruz qui était par erreur avec Tom Cruise et dans Vanilla Sky. (3 degrés).
Qui dit mieux?
Yes, you ask a cinephile a question and a cinephile will answer: I have a few 6 degrees: Jude Law was with Julia Roberts in Closer, Cameron Diaz in The Holiday and Rachel Weitz in Blueberry Nights who was in Constant Gardner with Ralph Fiennes and Hugh Grant in About A boy who was with Julia Roberts in Notting Hill.
Another Ewan McGregor, was in the new Star Wars with Natalie Portman who was a kid in Léon (The Professional) with Jean Reno who was in Mission Impossible with TC.
Could do better, but I tested this theory with one of my favorites:
Daniel Day Lewis was in The Crucible with Winnona Ryder who was in Edward Scissorhands with Johnny Depp who was in Blow with Penelope Cruz who was in Vanilla Sky with TC.
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