This documentary by Peter Chappell ( was released in 2003 and I have seen it many times on Sundance Channel. It is probably one of the best documentaries ever made on the subject but it has received little attention and I wonder why… Not only does Aids kill more people than ever (with very little attention from the media) but there is still a controversy as to how this disease first made it to the bloodstream of humans. Yet, this documentary does provide the answer, the only answer that matters and it is that SIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus) became HIV (Human immonudeficiency virus) when vaccines were made in the late fifties in the Belgian Congo using chimpanzee kidneys. This so-called theory has been endlessly criticized, debated and denied when this documentary gives the only proof that matters: footage of chimps being slaughtered in the Stanleyville compound and witness accounts by two of the Congolese employees in charge of the slaughter and preparation of the serum with chimp’s kidneys. It’s only a proof because the scientists involved denied chimpanzees were ever used at that time in that location… Why deny it if it doesn’t matter at all? Why lie about it? Could it be that the voices of two ex-colonized employees weigh very little compared to the voices of renowned scientists who have, we have to admit, contributed to the eradication of a killer (polio) while introducing another one (aids) unwillingly but by using testing methods that are more than controversial AND still in use! So, and if there is a contest for the scariest movie of the year, I would highly recommend this one, if you can catch it!
Si les scientifiques impliqués dans cette affaire s’en étaient tenus à justifier d’une façon ou d’une autre l’éxistence des chimpanzés sur ce site, on ne pourrait pas parler de preuve. Ce qui est troublant c'est qu’ils nient farouchement le fait qu’il y ait jamais eu des chimpanzés à cet endroit. Problème, vu que l’équipe est allée filmer ce qui reste du labo en compagnie des ex-employés. Pourquoi le nier si ça n’a aucune importance? Pourquoi mentir? Est-il possible que la voix de deux ex-employés Congolais n’a aucun poids par rapport à celle de scientifiques reconnus, qui, certes, ont participé à l’éradication d’un tueur (la polio) tout en en fabriquant un autre (le Sida), involontairement, certes mais en utilisant des méthodes qui sont toujours appliquées de nos jours. Et c’est probablement ce qu’il y a de plus effrayant dans ce documentaire que je vous recommande vivement… si seulement vous arrivez à mettre la main dessus!
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