I know, I know… pathetic isn’t it? Some people climb the Himalayas, others go on Safari in Tanzania, party in the Hamptons or sail in the Caribbean and I go see Wall-E! Even worse, I like it and worst of all I fall in love with a coackroach ! I used to hate cockroaches ; found them plain disgusting. I despise the squishy sound they make when you flatten them with a shoe which I refuse to do because what’s left behind could turn you into a vegan forever ; after all, they are meaty! Arghhhhhh... Luckily, I live in a dry climate where roaches are rare (and I have the best recipe to get rid of them anyway). The recipe is -for reasons not so clear to me- kept in my cookbook (along with a recipe for Gak which I will provide on demand). So all you need is boric acid (purchased in drugstores), oil, flour and sugar in equal proportion. Mix until you get the consistency of cookie dough. Roll little balls of dough the size of peas, hide them in the path of the roaches, they’ll never show up again and Bob’s your uncle ! Of course now that I have seen Wall-E, I have second thoughts about murdering my new friends , I think I might actually like them from now on. What Pixar studios did with rats (see Ratatouille) and roaches is unthinkable. They actually take the most unwanted characters and make them lovable… I mean, robots, rats, roaches… they are on a roll! Maybe they can move on the next letter of the alphabet and tackle serpents, sewers, spatulas, steaks… whatever take their fancy. These guys can turn anything into a fluffy loving sweetie pie of a honeybunny. And I kid you not, when Wall-E drove over his pal the roach by accident the whole theatre went “oh nooooooooo”. See I am not the only one who is kind of brain dead this Summer. It’s reassuring!

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