Monday, April 13, 2009


This is the beginning of a 80 minutes film made with excerpts of more than 80 films from the Warner Bros Studios catalogue and dubbed by the best voice-over french talents for John Wayne, Orson Welles, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, James Stewart, Dean Martin... Pasted together and more than losely based on Citizen Kane it is insane, nonsensical and stupid but very creative (and sometimes funny). Excerpts of the film can be found on or
The 2 authors have never been sued by Warner's legal team who might need the help of translators to find out the horrors that the poor movie legends totally lost in translation are saying on screen. I apologize to the non french speakers but I won't provide subtitles... Let me just say that the contents are bang out of line. Among the many bad jokes, this one:
"It's a riddle : who has 3 arms, 1 hat, 2 shirts, 1 vest, 1 scarf, 1 gun and 4 ears?
Answer: the cowboy from Tchernobyl" !!!"
And there is much much worse than that. Knock yourself out !!!! (assuming you speak French).

Pour les francophones, l'Express de cette semaine publie un article sur le film:

Ce film est un collage fait de quelques 80 séquences de films américains doublés (très bien doublés même) avec N'IMPORTE QUOI ! Résultat inégal mais parfois drôle. Des mauvaises blagues à la pelle, des åneries sans fin et des devinettes du genre:
"qu'est ce qui a 3 bras, 1 seul chapeau, 2 chemises, 1 veste, 1 foulard, 1 pistolet et 4 oreilles? Réponse: le cowboy de Tchernobyl.:" Eh oui c'est nul mais regardez les extraits sur ou allez voir le film a Beaubourg, ca semble quand même unique dans son genre. Vous pouvez voir de nombreuses séquences sur ou

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