Sunday, December 2, 2007


Neither am I.... Todd Haynes’s new film is a bit of riddle and a joy to ride. Bob Dylan is a white canvas on which people have been projecting their dreams, hopes, thoughts, lives for a very long time and Todd Haynes paints his own with the ghost of Dylan taking many shapes and many forms. Dylan is and remains a riddle and hopefully he will never reveal what he is all about, he probably neither knows it himself and doesn’t give a damn anyway. I guess he is in more than one way close to Rimbaud in myth but Rimbaud died young. Dylan is still very much alive which might be a blessing and a curse. A blessing for those who love riddles, a curse for those who thought he was talking in their names. From making himself heard to making himself barely audible, he has managed to keep an audience listening hard and trying to understand. Understand what? The answer my friend... well you know where the answer is blowing as much as I do ! As for Todd Haynes, he is a riddle too and that’s what I like about his movies. I would love to see the movie he made about the singer Karen Carpenter with dolls titled “Superstar” but it seems as difficult to get (literally and not) as “Poison”, the film inspired by Jean Genet’s writings. From “Safe” to “Velvet goldmine” en passant par “Far from heaven” he has been delivering an important and challenging body of work and left the industry as well as the public as confused about his work as Dylan. In both cases the public has been asking for more but if you like answers... go watch Rambo.

Listen to the interview on France Culture (thanks N) about " ame notte terre de todainsse"... fascinant!

Moi non plus...Le nouveau film de Todd Haynes est une énigme à plus d’un titre et peu importe. Bob Dylan est une page blanche sur laquelle tout le monde a son mot à écrire. Le problème est que Dylan a choisit d’écrire à l’encre sympathique alors on projette ce qu’on veut sur la page et c’est bien. Assez proche de Rimbaud en mythe mais Rimbaud est mort jeune alors que Dylan lui, est toujours bien vivant et se fait toujours entendre même s’il est parfois quasiment inaudible. On aimerait le comprendre, mais comprendre quoi? Le film de Todd Haynes est une énigme aussi et c’est ce qui fait que ses films sont toujours attendus au tournant. Entre Poison, Safe, Velvet Goldmine et Far from heaven qui sont ses films qui ont eu le plus de succès commercialement, il dérange et challenge suffisemment pour que son travail soit suivi de près par l’industrie, la critique et un public fidèle.
A en juger par le casting de ses films, il est aussi suivi par bon nombre d’acteurs qui savent la différence entre poser pour les grands maitres ou faire une pub pour le chewing-gum (Hollywood par exemple). I’m not there est un film à voir et à entendre sans se poser trop de questions... c’est comme ça qu’il est le plus parlant.

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